You donīt know what its like to be
Trapped inside a shell, to be blinded by
The darkness and the light as well. You
Think that you have problems, when 
With your sight you cannot see, on why
Oh good oh please oh god why did you 
Pick me. You donīt know what its like 
To be trapped inside a cage, never to 
See a smiling face but its you who feels
The pain, to see the sky so blue and
The grass below so green but what is
Blue I ask myself, for I have never
Seen... Your world is full of suffering 
And death that you have caused, its
You who is the blinded for my brain
Has suffering admitted from your
Greed, I think my friend that youīre the 
One who needs the eyes to see. So let 
Me land my sight to you and the blood
Shed may cease for in my blindness
Darkness I have my world of peace